
  • Vijaynath V Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rachana Shareera, Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Ph.D. Scholar, Parul University, Vadodara
  • Datta N Bandapalle Prof & HOD Dept. of Rachana Shareera, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Vadodara



Marma, Therapy, Ayurveda, Recent advances


Marmas are vital points that, when afflicted, will cause severe pain and debility. The 107 marmas mentioned in Ayurveda have been detailed as a separate chapter in both Ashtanga Hrudaya1 and Susruta Samhita. 2 Acharya Charaka has abridged them to three. 3 In the current scenario, RSI and poor ergonomics are the main reasons that lead to the injury of marma. In this short communication the therapies carried out at several marma sites in accordance with published literature are highlighted.


Vagbhata. Harisadasivasastri Paradakara Bhisagacarya, editor. Ashtanga Hrudayam with Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta & Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2005. Pp-956, p- 409 .

Susruta. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, editor. Susruta Samhita with Nibandha Sangraha of Dalhanacharya. 8thed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2008. Pp-824, p- 369.

Agnivesa. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, editor. Caraka Samhita revised by Caraka and Drdhabala with Sri Cakrapanidatta Ayurvedadipika Commentary in Sanskrit. 5th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2008. Pp-738, p- 597.

Gautam AS, Verma P, Kumar Pathak A. Blood pressure normalizing effect of Talahridaya marma therapy: A case report. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2021 Jul-Sep;12(3):553-555. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2021.05.014. Epub 2021 Jul 15. PMID: 34275703; PMCID: PMC8377184.

Venketasubramanian N. Complementary and alternative interventions for stroke recovery - a narrative overview of the published evidence. J Complement Integr Med. 2021 Feb 1;18(3):553-559. doi: 10.1515/jcim-2020-0062. PMID: 33544513.

Joshi et al.A Conceptual Analysis of Marma Chikitsa in Gridhrasi.World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 9, Issue 4, 2020.

Deshpande et al.: The study protocol of comparative study on efficacy of marma chikitsa, agnikarma and physiotherapy in Avabahuka Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 22 • November 2020

Gurram Venkata Chandramouli. Ulnar Nerve Neuropathy – An Ayurvedic Approach through Marma Chikitsa: A Case Report. IJATM I VOL 3 I ISSUE 5 I DEC 2021 .




How to Cite

Vijaynath V, & Datta N Bandapalle. (2023). RECENT ADVANCES IN MARMA THERAPY. Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 2(1).



Short Communication