Ayurvedic Management of Intra Uterine Growth Restriction; A Case Report
Garbhasosha, Intrauterine growth restriction, KsheerapakaAbstract
Intra-uterine growth restriction is one of the serious dilemmas affecting pregnant women worldwide. It can be considered when the birth weight of the foetus is below the 10th percentile of the average for the gestational age. 3% to 7% of all pregnancies may be affected by foetal growth restriction. In this present case, a primi gravida with antenatal ayurvedic check-up was diagnosed with mild IUGR. Initially, the Doppler parameters of the uterine artery were elevated with decreased liquor. Through timely intervention, the mild IUGR was managed successfully by adopting garbhasosha chikitsa. Thus, the decreased growth potential of the foetus was improved, preventing the chance of developing severe IUGR and she delivered a healthy female baby through LSCS.
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