Kuberaksha, Kuberaksha formulations in AyurvedaAbstract
Kuberaksha and its use are found from the Samhitha period itself. The synonyms Latakaranja, Kantaki karanja, and karanja are found in different books.Synonyms of Kuberaksha were mixed up in many nighantus which led to confusion for identification. Phytosterenin,bonducin, saponin, phytosterol, fixed oil, starch and sucrose are the chemical constituents of kuberaksha. Nuts and root bark are antispasmodic, bitter tonic, anthelminthic, and febrifuge. Fixed oil expressed from seed is emollient. Kuberaksha has antipyretic, aphrodisiac, depurative, tonic, and hepatic protective properties. It is also used to treat infertility caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome. While analyzing the drug and formulations of kuberaksha, it is observed less frequently in the Samhitha period but more in medieval period books. Many references to kuberaksha are there in books from regional languages of south India. The majority of formulations come in the chapters of shoola,gulma and vridhi. As per A.P.I Caesalpinia bonduc is the source plant for Kuberaksha. The plant has immense therapeutic capabilities as shown by research which should be explored in future.
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