Anubandha chatustaya in Brhat trayi vs. Indian philosophies referring to Vedanta- A Review
Expository methods, Anubandha chatushtaya, Brhattrayi, VedantaAbstract
Anubandha chatushtaya is the four classical expository structures that determine the selection and utility of a text to be studied. These four factors are associated with each other hence the name. The philosophical texts especially Vedanta explicitly explain the four, and the same could be found in the Ayurveda literature in scattered portions. They are deduced from the readings in the Ayurveda Samhita and by the explanation given to it in the commentaries. A learner of Ayurveda has to be aware of these and have to examine the appropriateness of these before starting an in-depth study of any Ayurvedic texts, so that the purpose of the study may be fulfilled. Adhikari, Vishaya, Sambandha and Prayojana are the anubandha chatushtaya. Adhikari is the seeker of the subject and in Vedanta, it is the person desirous of moksha while in Ayurveda it is the person desirous of Ayu. So the vishaya / subject in both Vedanta and Ayurveda though having certain similarities differ in the core content. Everything that is needed to sustain a healthy ayu and to relieve disease is the subject in Brhat trayi, the three classical texts on Ayurveda. The subject has been detailed in a sequence for the easy understanding of the seeker of Ayurveda. The subject in Brhat trayi justifies the utility (prayojana) in studying science- the preserving of Ayu.
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