Gandharvahasthadi kashayam, Katigraha, Apana vaigunyaAbstract
Introduction: The fraction of Sareera vata, which has a special tendency to move downwards, controls the functions of the lower part of the body and is termed Apana vata. Apana vata controls the emission of sukra, arthava, sakruth, mootra, garbha. Its seats are sroni, basthi, medra, uru. The term “Kati” refers to the lumbo sacral and the gluteal region or hip. “Graham” means stiffness, as a result of stiffness there is restriction of movement and pain. According to Ayurveda when vata gets aggravated in pakvasaya, it causes soola, anaha, antrakoojana, malarodha, vardhma, arsa, katigraha, prishtagraha and other diseases concerned with lower parts of the body and are krichrasadya
Methodology: The subjects were screened and taken into the study based on the inclusion criteria using consecutive sampling. The 14 participants were assessed with Apana vaigunya using a validated questionnaire before the study and were given Gandharvahasthadi kashayam 96ml twice before food with 3gm saindava, 6gm guda for 2 weeks and Apana vaigunya was assessed after 2 weeks of intervention and follow up of 2 weeks.
Results: The results were analyzed statistically and it is noted that there is statistical significance in reduction of Apana vaigunya symptoms after the completion of the study.
Discussion: There is a reduction in apana vata vaigunya symptoms in the patients of katigraha after taking Gandharvahasthadi kashayam.
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