Effect Of Lodraseethadi Agada in Mandalivisha with special reference to Pitviper Envenomation –A Review
Lodraseethadi agada, mandali sarpa visha chikitsa, Pitviper envenomationAbstract
Kerala has a proven unique background in the field of toxicology (visha chikitsa). Classical text book of Keraleeyavishachikitsa describes many yogas which contain herbal and herbo-mineral drugs for the treatment of visha as well as its complications. These formulations are now being underrated and are discarded from the first line of management. Pit vipers are included in the crotalinae subfamily of viperidae are identified as one of the common source of envenomation in Kerala, second only to Russell’s viper. The currently available poly valent anti snake venom has no role in reducing its toxicity. Moreover, the treatment protocol adopted for its management are not ideal. Only symptomatic treatment is recommended in modern system of medicine. Hence there is a need to search for an effective remedy from the traditional text book. Lodraseethadi Agada yoga mentioned in Visha vaidya jyotsnika, Mandali Visha Chikitsa consists of 9 ingredients. The ingredients are analyzed based on Rasapanchaka to find out the effectiveness of the formulation in the management of mandali visha with special reference to pit viper envenomation.
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