The Ayurvedic management in Branched Retinal Vein Occlusion- A Case Report


  • Harsha Bhuriya Final year PG Scholar, Department of Salakyatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Tripunitura, Ernakulam, Kerala
  • Sreeja Sukesan Proffessor and HOD, Department of Salakyatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Ernakulam, Kerala



Case report, BRVO, Ayurvedic treatment, Obesity


Background: Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is the second most common retinal vascular disorder after diabetic retinopathy. BRVO is classified according to the anatomical location as major or macular. Major BRVO refers to occlusion of a retinal vein that drains one of the quadrants. Macular BRVO refers to occlusion of a venule within the macula. The incidence of BRVO is most common in superotemporal quadrant (58.1- 66%), followed by the inferotemporal quadrant (29%) and least common in nasal quadrants (12.9%).BRVO has many known ophthalmic and systemic risk factors including age, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity .


Case Presentation: A 42 yr old female Teacher by Proffesion with no comorbities but obese with BMI 30.7 kg/m2 (Height- 161.5cm, Weight- 77Kg) presented with sudden central field defect and blurred vision in left eye noticed since 2 weeks. and recently diagnosed Hypertension, Blood investigation reveals Hyperlipidemia Ocular examination reveals on admission (done on 17/08/22) Visual acuity of left eye : CF(1m), <N36 without glass and no improvement with glass, Left eye- Anterior segment normal, Funduscopy of left eye: retinal haemorrhage( dot n blot Hg), Cystoid Macular Oedema (CMT- 864um). Internal medication along with external kriyakalpa was done for a time period of 5 month. Assessment was done both subjective and objective


Conclusion: One can conclude from this case report that ophthalmic disorders need not be treated only with local medications or surgical but kriyakalpa are also mentioned in classics for sannipataj kacham, and with the help of sedentary changes in lifestyle , this disease can be treated .The condition of this patient is correlated with sannipataj rakhta pradhana kacham.

 Mukkadi purambada , netra sekam – kriyakalpa are used to reduce the oedema, while internal medictions and lifestyle changes are done to control the cholesterol , obesity, and hypertensive condition.Obesity is found to be one cause factor that is correlated with stholya and as per timira and Stholyata the treatment was given along with lifestyle management . Internal medications were used Shiva Gulika which acts as Kaphavata Shamaka also having anti-inflammatory property, Gomootra Haritki was Shothaghna, predominance of Agni and Vayu Mahabhut, and Most importantly the kriyakalpa was used with medications having kapha and Rakhtahara drugs, Vidalaka helped to reduce oedema



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How to Cite

Bhuriya, H., & Sukesan, S. (2024). The Ayurvedic management in Branched Retinal Vein Occlusion- A Case Report. Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 3(3).



Case Reports