
  • Vimal Vijayan PG Scholar Department of Kriyasareera Government Ayurveda College Pariyaram, Kannur Kerala
  • Dr. Ajitha K Professor and HOD Department of Kriyasareera Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala




Ayurveda, Artificial Intelligence, Personalized Medicine


Ayurveda, originating in India over three thousand years ago, emphasizes personalized treatment based on individual constitution (prakriti) and physiological constructs called doshas. AI, which models human intellectual processes, is increasingly used in modern technology to perform tasks like learning, reasoning, and problem solving. This article explores the use of artificial intelligence to enhance Ayurveda's applications, aiming to improve diagnoses, education, treatment plans, and research, thus increasing accessibility and effectiveness of the medical system globally. The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into Ayurveda entails harnessing AI's strengths in data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modelling . A comprehensive literature search was done to discover relevant papers and articles on the integration of AI and Ayurveda. The search covered databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and pertinent journals. The collected data were analysed to offer a detailed overview of the topic. The incorporation of AI into Ayurveda offers promising benefits in numerous areas including enhanced diagnosis, personalized treatment, accelerated research and to improve Ayurvedic education. The integration of AI with Ayurveda presents both opportunities and challenges. While AI can improve diagnosis accuracy, personalize treatments, and accelerate research, it faces challenges like analysing huge number of datasets, translating Sanskrit literature according to the context, understanding Ayurvedic concepts in each context, and ethical concerns. Future research should focus on AI-driven predictive analytics, digitalizing Ayurvedic information, and developing diagnostic tools based on it.


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How to Cite

Vimal Vijayan, & Dr. Ajitha K. (2024). A REVIEW ARTICLE ON EXPLORING THE SCOPE OF AI IN AYURVEDA. Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.55718/kja.297



Review Article