Evaluation of the combined effect of Yashti lodhra sekam and Netra vyayama in asthenopia- A randomized controlled clinical trial


  • Sreeja Sukesan Prof & HOD Dept of Salakyatantra Govt Ayurveda College Tripunithura
  • Soumya N PhD Scholar Dept of Salakyatantra Govt Ayurveda College Tripunithura




Asthenopia, Eye exercise, Sekam, Timira


Asthenopia is a very common clinical condition nowadays due to the impaired lifestyle. They are of two types-the refractive asthenopia and muscular asthenopia. In Ayurveda, asthenopia can be  considered as poorva rupa of timira which has predominantly vata kopa lakshan. For managing the eyestrain, the relaxation of eye and mind is an effective technique. Eye exercises relaxes the eye and mind and thereby pacifies the vitiated vata.

Study design : Randomized controlled clinical trial with concurrent control in 60 patients

Methodology : The 60 patients were divided into 4 groups of 15 patients each. Group 1 was given best possible correction with spectacles. Group 2 was given netra sekam with yashti lodhra kashayam twice daily. Group 3 patients were given a set of 10 eye exercises twice daily. In group 4, the patients were given sekam and eye exercise twice daily. The patients were assessed on 0th day, 15th day, 30th day, 45th day and 60th day. Follow up was done on 75th and 90th day


Eye exercise, sekam and combination has significant effect in reducing asthenopia during treatment and in follow up period. In the follow up period, the effectiveness of eye exercise and sekam are far ahead of spectacle usage.


Though eye exercise and sekam alone is effective in managing asthenopic symptoms, the combination helps to provide a more sustained effect than when used alone


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How to Cite

Sreeja Sukesan, & N, S. (2024). Evaluation of the combined effect of Yashti lodhra sekam and Netra vyayama in asthenopia- A randomized controlled clinical trial. Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.55718/kja.306



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