A critical review on Gandhakadya malahara
Malahara Kalpana, gandhakadya malahara, dadru, pama, sidhmaAbstract
Malahara is a potent pharmaceutical preparation for external application (Bahya Kalpana) which has Siktha Taila (mixture of sesame oil and bee-wax), Sathadhoutha Ghrita, Ghrita (ghee) as the base. It is an ointment preparation which includes herbal and mineral contents depending upon the usage. Mala-hara kalpanas are very much useful in skin disorders. Malahara has proper-ties like snehana (unctuousness), ropana (healing), lekhana (scrapping) and varnya (colouring) depending upon the drugs used in the preparation. A num-ber of Malahara Kalpanas have been mentioned in Rastarangini. Gandhakadhya Malahara is one among them mentioned in Gandhaka Vijnanam Tarangam. It is a herbo-mineral formulation comprises of Siktha taila (mixture of sesame oil and beeswax) as a base and Shudha Gandhaka (Purified Sulphur), Shudha Girisindura (Purified Mercuric Oxide), Shudha Tankana (Purified borax) are as other ingredients. Gandhakadhya malahara is intended for external application in various dermatological problems. It is specially indicated for severe Pama (a type of skin condition) as per Rasa-tarangini.
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