Conceptual analysis and revalidation of Loka-purusha-samya-siddhanta based upon evidences from contemporary sciences
Loka,Purusha,sidhanta, Panchamahabhuta, Dosha,biorhythmAbstract
Loka purusha samya states that any living body is a miniature representing the universe. Human being is just a part of this universe. The fundamental principles of Ayurveda are also evaluating the same. Charaka has defined the relationship between Loka (Nature) and Purusha (Human) as Loka-Purusha samyasiddhanta. The interaction and exchange between Loka (Nature) and Purusha (Human) continue in a natural way it has impact on human body which may be healthy or diseased state. Susruta also opines that purusha is one of most important creations of universe similar to the agni soma guna. Dosha biorhythms are an essential component of homoeostasis. we can eval-uate that, alteration in the structure and function of universe plays a signifi-cant role in the etiopathogenesis of diseases in human. Pathology can be re-versed to the physiological entity only by the consumption of substances available in the nature. It is quite evident that nature itself indicate the nor-mal and abnormal phenomenon and their management. Here an attempt is made to elucidate this theory in different aspects of Ayurveda upon evidences from contemporary sciences.
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