Phytochemical evaluation of the whole Sunishannaka plant (Marsilea quadrifolia Linn)


  • Jilu Joy Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India
  • Dr Sara Monsy Oommen Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India
  • Dr P Y Ansary Professor & HOD, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India
  • Dr Shincymol V V Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India



Phytochemical analysis, Sunishannaka, Marsilea quadrifolia Linn


A well-known perennial aquatic plant, Sunishannaka (Marsilea quadrifolia Linn) which is seen in moist and marshy lands, is being used extensively since Samhita period. Ample references about the plant is seen in Nighantus aswell. A plant's medicinal value is assessed based on the biologically active components it contains and their concentration. The extraction, screening, and identification of the medicinally active compounds present in plants are referred to as phytochemical analysis. Due to their uses as medications, mod-el molecules for drug production, or intermediates for synthetic pharmaceuti-cals, plant-derived chemicals are highly significant. Thus the study of phyto-chemicals reveals the potentials of a drug at its pharmacological aspects. Phy-tochemical screening of Marsilea quadrifolia Linn has revealed the presence of numerous chemical constituents like alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, ster-oids, glycosides and saponins etc.


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How to Cite

Jilu Joy, Dr Sara Monsy Oommen, Dr P Y Ansary, & Dr Shincymol V V. (2022). Phytochemical evaluation of the whole Sunishannaka plant (Marsilea quadrifolia Linn). Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 1(2).



Orginal Article