Ayurvedic management of hypocontractile detrusor- a case study
Hypocontractile detrusor, Mutrakrcchra, Avagaha swedaAbstract
Hypocontractile detrusor or detrusor underactivity is increasing day by day. Symptoms of underactive bladder include slow urinary stream, hesitancy, and straining to void, with or without feeling of incomplete bladder emptying sometimes with storage symptoms. In this particular case the disease oc-curred after her delivery (FTND). Hypocontractile detrusor can be corelated with mutrakrcchra in Ayurveda where there is derangement in normal urina-tion process associated with difficulty in urination and dysuria. Avagaha sweda is specifically indicated for the treatment of mutrakrcchra. Role of Ayurveda especially avagaha sweda in hypocontractile detrusor resulted due to strenuous labor is the subject of this study. By proper administration of avagaha sweda; the usage of catheter can be avoided. Thus to improve the quality of life of patients who are effected with Hypocontractile detrusor Along with that we can explore the efficacy of Ayurvedic management and panchakarma procedures in this particular disease more precisely and accu-rately.
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