Ayurvedic management of non-lactational breast abscess - Case Report
A breast abscess is a localised collection of purulent material within the breast, most commonly affecting women aged between 18 and 50 years. A breast infection can be lactational or nonlactational, of which the lactational variety is the most common. Modern science recommends antibiotic thera-pies and surgical interventions for treating breast abscesses. In Ayurveda, a disease having clinical features similar to breast abscess is described as Sta-navidradhi. A 38-year-old woman developed a breast abscess during Ayurve-dic inpatient treatment for her joint problems. This was successfully managed by Ayurvedic therapy within five days, instead of conventional antibiotics and other invasive interventions. Guggulutiktakamkashayam, Punarnavadi-kashayam, Tab Triphalaguggulu
and Tab Biogest were used as internal medicines, and Thilakalkalepa and Jathyadighritham for external use over the abscess.
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